
BRiTE Mind

A mindful approach to building resilience

A strategy for supporting resilience that has become increasingly popular in recent years, is mindfulness. There has been increased interest about mindfulness in schools in Western Australia, and positive impacts for teachers, school leaders and students have been reported. Given this, we decided to develop an additional module, BRiTE Mind, to introduce users to the concept of mindfulness, how it has been used in schools and how it supports resilience.

Dr Helen Correia describes the rationale behind the module:

BRiTE Mind introduces users to the concept of mindfulness, how it has been used in schools and how it supports resilience. The emphasis in the module is on how mindfulness can be practiced by teachers as a way to support their own resilience and wellbeing.

BRiTE Mind

Australian Government
Murdoch University
University of Wollongong
Federation University
										Darwin University
University of Tasmania
											University of Technology